Bockchain Application Development

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Blockchain Solutions

Be part of the revolution and the most disruptive age of the century. Blockchain Solutions is being looked as Second Advent of the Internet which has huge potential to impact the entire socio-economic ecosystem.

WhiteCode team has expertise in Blockchain Technology and investing in innovation and building various applications for our esteemed clients.

Blockchain has already proven to be the face lift of future. We have constant stint to invest into innovations and building next-gen solutions. How could we stay away from this futuristic disruptive technology?

We have worked on following blockchain applications.

  • An application to buy/sell and perform various operations on non-fungible tokens built using ERC 721 in the form of cupids to express love and commitment over aa Ethereum Blockchain.
  • ICO application to generate an ethereum and bitcoin address along with an dashboard to display various currency balance amount.